第 78 课:Explaining the Proposal 解释建议书内容-7

This plan is quite flexible, you can spend your money at your own will and your own time 此计划有弹性, 你可随时根据自己的意愿而分配金钱.

At the age of retirement, you'll have a pension fund. 到退休时你便会有退休金.

Handling objections 处理借口

O1:Let me think about it. 让我想想吧.

R1:Do you mean there's something you're not clear about or are there any questions you want to ask me? 你是否有不明之处或有疑问?

O2:Let me discuss it with my wife first. 先让我跟太太商量一下.

R2:I agree that it's necessary to let your wife know, 我同意要先让太太知道,

but it's difficult for her to give you a correct opinion on this. 但她很难给你客观的意见

If she says yes, you many think that she cares a lot about money. 若她赞成, 你可能认为她只是为了钱.