第 90 课:Handling Claims 处理索赔-2

A:Oh, don't worry, Mr.Truman 噢, 杜文先生.

It's only a minor operation. I'm sure you'll be okay. 请不用担心, 这只是个小手术, 我相信你会没有大碍的.

Since you have coverage with our company, you don't have to worry about the medical expenses. 因为你有了我公司的保障, 不必为医疗费用而忧心.

T:What should I do with the hospital bills? 我应怎样处理住院的账单?

A:You need to pay these bills first. 你要先缴付账单.

Then I'll have you fill in a claim form. It'll take about one month to process. 再从我处填妥索表格. 这大概要花一个月时间.

If everything goes fine, you'll have a pay check worth 90% of your medical expenses. 如一切无问题, 你便会收到一张价值等于你住院发票总额九成的支票.