第 123 课:Seeing the Doctor 看病-2

B:Do I need any medicine? 我要服药吗?

D:Of course, you do. 当然要服药。

At first we'll give you an injection to bring down the temperature. 我们首先会给你打一针,把体温降下来。

B:Can you give me something to relieve my headache? 你能给我一些治头痛的药吗?

D:I'll prescribe some pain-killer.Take one when you feel really bad. 我给你开一些去痛片,当你感觉实在难受时,服上一片。

Don't take more than three tablets a day. 一天服用不得超过三片。

This is terramycin. Take two tablets every six hours. 这是土霉素,每六小时服两片;

And this is a bottle of cough medicine which you must take three times a day, 这是一瓶止咳药水,一 天服三次,

one scale each time. 每次一格。