第 124 课:Seeing the Doctor 看病-3

These medicines would clear up your trouble, 这些药会消除你的痛苦。

and these vitamin B and C are used to build up your resistance. 而这些维生素B和C是用来增强你的抵抗力的。

Stay in your bed, drink more boiled water and have a good rest. 卧床休息,多喝点开水,

I'm sure you'll soon be all right. 我坚信你很快就会好的。

B:Tank you for your treatment. 谢谢你的治疗。

D:Don't mention it. I'm only doing my job. 不用谢,这是我份内的事。

Besides, I should advise you to have your tonsils removed after you get over with cold. 另外,我建议你感冒好了之后,把扁桃腺切除。

B:I'm afraid I'll have to be laid up a long time for the operation. 我怕动手术住院时间太长。