第 29 课:Before Landing 飞机降落之前-2

S:The plane has landed and is now taxiing. (To Mr. Brown)Please sit down, sir. 飞机已经着陆,正在地面滑行。(对布朗先生)请坐下,先生。

B:I am looking for my handbag. I don't know where it is. 我在寻找我的手提包, 我不知道我的包到哪里去了。

A:Will passengers please remain seated till the airplane has come to a complete halt. 在飞机停稳之前,请旅客们不要离开座位,

Don't forget to take your hand baggage. 请别忘记拿自己的行李。

B:But I can't find my handbag. 可我找不到我的手提袋。

S:Is that it? Under your seat. 那是吗?座位底下的那个。

B:Oh, yes, thank you. 哦,正是,谢谢。

A:On behalf of the crew, I wish you a pleasant stay in Changsha. 我代表机机组全体工作人员,祝你们在长沙过得愉快。

We look forward to serving you again in the future. Thank you. 盼望将来你们再次乘坐本次航班,谢谢。