第 72 课:Putting Your Coat in the Cloakroom 将衣服放到衣帽间

F:You may have your coat in the cloakroom, sir. 先生,你可以把衣服留在衣帽间,

Here is the ticket for your coat. 这是你寄放衣服的牌子,

Please present it in order to get your coat back when you leave here. 你离店时凭牌子取衣服。

B:Thank you. You've thought of everything well. 谢谢,你们一切都考虑得很周到。

F:I think this is your first time to come to our dining hall, sir? 先生,我想这是你第 一次来我们餐厅用餐 吧?

B:Yes, and my first visit to China,too. 是的,也是我第一次访华。

F:My name is Fang Fang. I'm a waitress here. May I know your name? 我叫方芳,这里的服务员,请问你贵姓?

B:My name is James Brown. I'm from America. 我叫詹姆斯. 布朗,美国人。

I have come to China on business for my firm. 我是为公司洽谈生意来中国的。

F:Welcome to our dining hall, Mr. Brown. 欢迎你到我们餐厅来就餐,布朗先生。

B:Thank you. Ms. Fang. 谢谢,方女士。