第 13 课

A: Hello. Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emory's office. He'd like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. 你好,罗斯曼先生。我是埃莫里办公室的麦克尔。他想和您定个时间商谈买一台新的复印机。

B: Sure, I'd be glad to. What time frame did he have in mind? 好哇,我很乐意。他觉得什么时间方便?

A: He'd like to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about tomorrow at 2:45? 他希望越快越好。您看明天2:45怎么样?

B: Mm, yeah, that'll be great. Tell him I'll see him then. 嗯,好,这很好。告诉他我那时见他。

A: Mr. Carmichael, this is Ellen Bower calling again. You had said I should call this week to schedule an interview with you. 卡麦克尔先生,又是我,爱伦·鲍华。您让我这个星期打电话和您定一个面试时间。

B: That's right, Ms. Bower. How are you? I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit you in this week, I'm afraid. 是这样,鲍华女士。你好。我不敢肯定这星期能否有时间见你,很难说。

A: I understand, Mr. Carmichael. I'd be glad to make it some time next week. 我能理解,卡麦克尔先生。我很愿意安排在下个星期。

B: All right, then. Why don't we say next Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.? 好吧。那我们就定在下周二上午11:30如何?

A: Joe, can you squeeze me in sometime today? 乔,你今天能给我挤出点时间来吗?

B: That's a big order, Jane. I am really swamped. 这可够呛,珍妮。我的确忙不开。

A: I know what you're saying, but I have to go over the books with you before I go see our tax guy. 我明白你的意思。可我必须得在去见收税的之前跟你过一遍账。

B: Right. Okay, let me see what I can do. How about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting? It won't take more than a half hour, will it? 好吧,让我想想怎么办。1:30怎么样?在我午餐会议之后。不会超过半小时吧?