第 41 课

A: Mr. Farmington? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that Roger did? I don't think we can use them. 法明顿先生?您能看一下罗杰做的这个产品目录的广告吗?我觉得我们没法用。

B: Hmm. I see what you mean. Have you spoken with Roger? He usually does better work than this. 嗯。我明白你是什么意思。你和罗杰谈过了吗?他一向干得比这好。

A: I know, Mr. Farmington. But, I'm not sure that I should bring this up with him. I think it would be better if you spoke to him. 我知道,法明顿先生。但是我没把握是否应该找他去说。我想您和他谈会更好些。

B: All right. Leave these ads with me. I'll speak to him this morning. 好吧。把这广告留给我吧。今天上午我跟他说。

A: Greg. I want to speak to you for a minute. 克雷格,我要和你说两句话。

B: Yes. Ms. Gray. Is there something wrong? 什么事?格雷女士,出问题了吗?

A: I'm afraid there is, Greg. I don't mind you taking a break. But you've been away from your desk for twenty-five minutes already. 恐怕是的,克格雷。我不反对你休息一会,可你离开你的办公桌已经有25分钟了。

B: I'm sorry, Ms. Gray. I must have lost track of the time. I'll get back to work, now. 抱歉,格雷女士。我一定是忘记钟点了。我马上就回去干活。

A: Mary? I'd like to talk to you for a second, please. 玛丽,我想找你谈一下。

B: Okay, Mark, What's up? 好啊,马克,什么事?

A: I'd like to know why you're always taking credit for work we've done together like that line in the new Ice Cream ad? 我想知道为什么你总是把我们共同做的工作据为己有。比如说新的冰激凌广告的那个创意。

B: That was my line, Mark. I know we worked on the ad together, but that was definitely my line. 那是我的创意,马克。我知道广告是我们共同做的,可是那个创意绝对是我的。