第 68 课

A: I don't understand this, Ms. Walker. When exactly are you going to finish this job? 我弄不明白,华尔克女士。具体哪天你们能完成这项工作?

B: Well, it will probably take another few weeks, Mr. Brooks. I realize it appears simple enough, but there is a lot of red tape to wade through. 嗯,可能还需要几个星期的时间,布鲁克斯先生。我知道,这工作看上去是简单,却有许多公文手续需要办理。

A: Fair enough, but I'm still a bit unclear about the details. Could you go over the main points with me again? 情有可原,但是具体细节我还是不清楚。你可以把一些要点再给我解释一遍吗?

B: I'd be glad to, Mr. Brooks. Why don't you come into my office? 非常乐意,布鲁克斯先生。请到我办公室来谈好吗?

A: Do not put me on hold again, please! 不要再让我等啦,拜托了!

B: I'm very sorry, madam.. The phones have been ringing off the hock. 非常抱歉,夫人。电话总是响个不停。

A: Excuse me, but that's not my problem! I was just put on hold for the fourth time! 对不起,那不是我的问题。这已经是我第四次被搁置等候了。

B: I do apologize, madam. How may I help you? 实在抱歉,夫人。我能为您做什么?

A: I'm really disappointed in the quality of your work, Ms. Patrick. I expected a better standard. 我对你们的工作质量十分失望,帕特理克女士。我原以为水平会比这高。

B: I am very sorry you feel that way, Mr. Garth. I realize that we've started off badly, but I think you'll be pleased with the refinished work. 非常遗憾您这么想,葛斯先生。我知道我们开头开得不好。但我想我们的返工结果会使您满意的。

A: Well, it certainly couldn't be worse than what you've been showing me! 嗯,当然不会比你们已经让我看到的要糟了!

B: I think you'll be satisfied with the quality of these designs, Mr. Garth. Would you like to go over to my office and take a look? 我想您一定会对这些设计的质量感到满意,葛斯先生,您要不要到我的办公室看一看?