第 70 课

A: Good morning. Beck and Beck legal Services. May I help you? 早上好,贝克和贝克法律事务所。能为您做些什么吗?

B: Phyllis? Is that you? It's Craig Masters. 菲丽丝?是你吗?我是克莱格·马司特斯。

A: Mr. Masters! Hello. How are you? 马司特斯先生!你好吗?

B: I'm doing just great. I won my case and I just wanted to thank you for all your hard work! 很好。我的案子赢啦,我仅想对你们的艰苦工作表示感谢!

A: If I had known I'd get service like this, I would have gone somewhere else! 早知道我得到的是这种服务,我就找别的地方去了!

B: I'm sorry, sir. Could you tell me what the problem is, please? 对不起,先生。您能告诉我是什么问题吗?

A: Let's start with the fact that no one has responded to my calls or letters for the past three weeks! 咱们就从三个星期都没人理会我的电话和信函这件事起说起吧!

B: I do apologize, sir. I hope I can help you. Would you tell me what you have been trying to find out? 十分抱歉,先生。我希望我能帮助您。您能告诉我您想了解些什么吗?

A: Well, I hope that answers your questions, Mr. Gardiner. Here's your printout. 好了,我希望这能回答您的问题,加蒂那先生。这是您的打印材料。

B: Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your assistance. 谢谢。非常感谢你的帮助。

A: You're very welcome, Mr. Gardiner. I'm glad I was able to help. Please call if you have any more questions. 不用谢,加蒂那先生。能帮助您我很高兴。再有问题请打电话给我。

B: I will. Thanks again! 我会的。再次感谢。