第 73 课

A: This is my list of complaints, Andrew. I would appreciate it if you would look over them. 这是我的一些意见,安德鲁。我希望你能看一看。

B: Certainly, Ms. Parker. Thank you for coming directly to me. You can count on me to act on these. 当然,帕克女士。谢谢您直接找我。请相信我会亲自处理这些事的。
A: Well. I've used your firm for several years and I've generally been pleased. It's just the last few months that I've had problems. 好吧,我跟你们公司做了好几年生意了,一般地说我还是满意的,只是最近几个月我遇上了一些问题。

B: Well, I will definitely do what I can to solve these problems, and improve our service. 好,我一定尽力解决这些问题并改进我们的服务。

A: MaryAnn, this is a letter from Mr. Smith. He worked with you last month. 玛丽安。这是史密斯先生的一封来信。他上个月和你一起工作过。

B: I remember. What does he have to say? 我记得。他说了些什么?

A: Well, he just wanted to tell me what a good job you're doing, and to keep up the good work! 嗯,他仅想告诉我你做得有多么出色,并希望继续保持。

B: That was really sweet of him! 他这人真不错。

A: Let me just add these numbers up for you, and I should be able to give you an answer. 让我把这些数字加一加就能给你一个答复了。

B: Thanks. I'm sorry to give you so much trouble. 谢谢,抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。

A: It's no trouble at all, Ms. Liu. I'm glad to help here. This should be the correct figure, 5,322 units at 53 cents per unit. 一点也不麻烦,刘女士。能给您帮忙我很高兴。有了,这应该是正确数字——5322件,每件53分。

B: That sounds right. Could you jot that down for me? Thanks. 这好像没错。你能帮我记下来吗?谢谢。

A: All right, Mr. Winston. Let me just clarify this information: your date of birth is May 15, 1942? And your social security number is 542-31-2156? 好的,温斯顿先生,我来核实一下这些信息:您的出生日期是1942年5月15日?您的社会保险号码是542-31-2156?

B: That's right, miss. Do you need anything else? 是的,小姐。你还需要什么吗?
A: I just need to know your street address, Mr. Winston. 我只需要知道您的住址,温斯顿先生。

B: It's 2453 Bay Avenue. The zip code is 20143. 海湾大道2453号,邮编是20143。