第 102 课:People and Colors 不同的人与不同的颜色-5

As a result, people dress baby girls in pink and baby boys in blue. 因此,人们总是给女婴穿戴粉红色,而给男婴穿戴蓝色的。

However, it is dangerous to generalize because taste changes. 但是,一律都这样办可就危险了,因为人的举爱好会变的。

For example, years ago businessmen wore only white shirts; today they wear many different colors, including pink. 例如,几年前搞事业的人士只穿白衬衫,可是如今他们却穿着五颜六色的衬衫,甚至还穿粉红色的衬衫。

If two objects are the same except for color, they will look different. 如果两件东西除了颜色不同而外都相同,那么这两件东西看起来就不同。

Color can make an object look nearer ,farther,larger or smaller. A red object always looks nearer than a blue object. 颜色能使物品看起来好像较近或较远,较大或较小。一件红色的东西看起来总是比一件蓝色的东西近一些。

For example, red letters on a blue sign look as though they are in front of the sign. 例如,一块蓝底的招牌上面的红色字体看起来就好像红字是在招牌的前面似的。

Bright objects look larger than dark objects. However, they are actually the same size. 颜色鲜艳的物品看上去就比色调发暗的物品好像大一些似的,但实际上他们的大小是一样的。

Large or fat people who want to look smaller or slimmer wear dark clothes. 大个子或肥胖的人,如果想要让人看起来瘦小点儿,苗条点儿就应穿暗色的衣服。

When they wear dark clothes, they look smaller and slimmer than they are.如果这些大个子胖人要穿上黑衣服,那么他们看起来就要比他们实际上瘦小一些、苗条一些。

In conclusion, color is very important to people. Warm and cool colors affect how people feel. 由此可以得出结论,颜色对人们是很重要的。暖色和冷色都会影响到人的感觉。

People choose products by color. Moreover, color affects how an object looks. It is even possible that your favorite color tells a lot about you. 人们是根据颜色不挑选产品的,更重要的是,颜色影响到一个物体的外观,甚至可以根据你所喜欢的颜色就能了解到有关你本人的许多情况。