第 144 课:Different Types of Composers 不同类型的音乐家-2

Beethoven belongs to the second type - the constructive type, one might call it. 贝多芬属于第二类--可以称之为建设型。

This type serves as an example of my theory of the creative process in music better than any other, because in this case the composer really does begin with a musical theme. 和其他类型相比,这类作曲家更适合我的音乐创作过程理论的例证,因为对这类作曲家来说,他们的确是从音乐主题开始创作的。

In Beethoven's case there is no doubt about it, for we have the notebooks in which he put the themes down. 以贝多芬为例这一点毋庸质疑,因为我们有他记下音乐主题的笔记本。

We can see from his notebooks how he worked over his themes - how he would not let them be until they were as perfect as he could make them. 我们可以从他的笔记本看出他是如何在主题上下功夫的--曲不完美誓不休。

Beethoven was not a spontaneously inspired composer in the Schubert sense at all. 从舒伯特的意义上说,贝多芬绝对不是灵感自发型的作曲家。

He was the type that begins with a theme; makes it a preliminary idea; and upon that composes a musical work, day after day, in painstaking fashion. 他是那类从主题开始、形成初步的构思再日复一日辛勤地创作一部作品的作曲家。

Most composers since Beethoven's day belong to this second type.从贝多芬开始,许多的作曲家都属于这第二类。

The third type of composer I can only call, for lack of a better name, the traditionalist type. 由于找不到更合适的称呼,第三类作曲家姑且称他们为传统类。

Men like Palestrina and Bach belong in this category. They both are characteristic of the kind of composer who is born in a particular period of musical history, when a certain musical style is about to reach its fullest development.