第 158 课:The Time Message 时间信息-4

Message 3. Prepare a weekly study schedule. 信息3:制定每周学习计划。

The main purpose of the notebook is to help you prepare a weekly study schedule. 这个笔记本的主要用途是帮你准备一周学习计划。

Once prepared, follow the same pattern every week with minor adjustments. 一旦定下,每周依照同样模式而行,只做小的变动。

Sunday is an excellent day to make up your schedule for the following week. Write in your class schedule first. Add your work hours, if any. 星期天正好用来安排下周计划。最先记下上课的时间,再加上工作时间,如果有的话。

Then write in the hours each day you feel you must allocate for study. Keep it simple. 然后写上每天必须分配的学习时间。尽量简单些。

Message 4. Be realistic. 信息4:现实些。

When you plan time for these things, be realistic. Don't underestimate. Overestimate, if possible, so that emergencies that arise don't hang you up. 做计划时,现实些。别少估时间,如果可能,多估些,这样发生紧急情况也不至于耽误工作。

Otherwise your entire routine may get thrown off balance while you devote night and day to crash efforts. 否则你日夜应付突发事件时,日常工作就会推动平衡。