第 2 课: How to Be a Successful Language Learner?

"Practice speaking the language every day.""每天都练习说这种语言"。

"Live with people who speak the language." "与操这种语言的人生活在一起"。

"Don't translate - try to think in the new language." "不要通过翻译--昼用新学的语言去思考"。

"Learn as a child would learn; play with the language." "像小孩学话那样;用这种新语言去做游戏"。

But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways. 那么,凡是能学会一种新语言的人都是怎么学的呢?语言学习的研究表明凡是能学会一种新语言的人很多方面都是相似的。

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. 首先,凡是学语言学得成功的人都是独立自学的人。

They do not depend on the book or the teacher; 他们不领带书本也不依赖老师。

they discover their own way to learn the language, 他们总是要去发现适合自己的学语言的方法。

Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. 他们不是等着让教师来解释,而是自己新自去发现各种和各项规则。