第 204 课:The Workman's Compensation 工作者的补偿-3

One group goes into the far reaches of the ship's hold and sits around. 一组走到船舱深处分散坐下。

The other group starts loading cargo, usually working with a vengeance, since each one of them is doing the work of two men. An hour later, the groups change places. 另一组开始装货,通常干得卖力,因为他们每人干着两人的活,一小时以后两组交位置换。

In other words, although my fellow longshoremen and I are getting paid for eight hours, on occasion we work only four. 换句话说,虽然我和工友们获得八小时的报酬,有时却只干四小时。

If someone reading this feels a sense of moral outrage because we are sitting down on the job, I am sorry. 如果有人读到此,为我们怠工而愤慨的话,我很抱歉。

I have searched my mind in vain for a polite way to tell that reader to go to hell. 我白费心机的绞尽脑汁想找到一个礼貌的说法,但现在要告诉这位读者,让他见鬼去吧。

If you are that reader, I would recommend that you abandon your outrage and begin thinking about doing something similar for yourself. 如果你是那个读者,我会劝你不要愤慨,开始为自己考虑一下类似的事情。

You probably already have, even if you won't admit it. White collar office workers, too, have come under criticism recently for robbing their bosses of their full-time services. 即便你不承认,你可能已经想过了。近来,白领职员也由于不为老板全天服务而受到批评。

Too much times is being spent around the Mr. Coffee machine, and some people (would you believe it?) have even been having personal conversations on company time. 在电煮咖啡机旁花了太多的时间。一些人甚至在工业时间进行私人交谈。