第 207 课:The Teacher's Last Shocking Lesson

The excerpts of the talk released by the prosecutor show why Weinstein was a beloved figure at Thorne Middle School in Middletown, where she was a special-education teacher. 检查官发表的那部分谈话的节录表明为什么温斯坦在米道镇桑恩中学是一位受人爱戴的人。她是个特殊教育老师。

"You haven't done anything yet," she tells her attacker. "All you have to do is let me go and take my car. For my life, don't you think I should be concerned and let you take my car? For my life! Do you really want to have that on your head?" 她告诉袭击者说:"你什么都还没有做,你现在要做的就是开走我的车而让我走。难道你认为我会关心是否让你开走我的车吗?为了我的性命,你真的想背负上杀人犯的罪名吗?"

At another point, the teacher tries to get him to open up. "Why don't you just tell me? Of course, it's important. It's determining you whole life and the direction you're taking." 而同时,这位教师又试图让他的话多起来;"你为什么不告诉我一些事?当然这很重要,它决定着你整个一生和你正在选择的人生方向。"

Weinstein also talks about her son Daniel and her plans to take in a foster child with her husband Paul. "I want to give something to somebody, to give something back," she says. 温斯坦还谈到了她的儿子丹尼尔以及她丈夫保罗计划收养一个孩子的事。她说:"我想给予别人一些东西,为的就是会有好报。"

Her powers of persuasion were to no avail. Weinstein's body, with hands and feet bound, was discovered by a hiker on March 17. 她的说服力没有起到作用。3月17日,一位施行者发现了她捆着手脚的尸体。

She had been smothered with her coat. But before she died she somehow slipped the microcassette into her pocket without her killer knowing it. 她被人用她的外套窒息而死。但在临死前,不知用什么方法,她把微型卡式录音带偷偷放进口袋,而凶手并不知道。

Because Weinstein had asked LaSane about himself and his family, police quickly had their suspect, the son of a local official. 因为温斯坦曾问过有关拉森自己及其家庭的情况,警方很快就撒谎到了嫌疑人,他是个地方官员的儿子。

"Our impression was that she was very aware she was leaving something behind," says Carluccio. He will not comment on LaSanbe's side of the conversation except to say, "When you hear the tape, it will raise profound questions about what is happening in our world with juveniles and our society. It goes beyond materialism."

Weinstein also helped leave behind a new program at Thorne Middle School in which students were encouraged to do nice things for others. 温斯坦还帮助桑恩中学开展一个新的活动,就是鼓励学生为他人做好事。

Every morning Weinstein would announce various good deeds over the p.a. system and she solicited prizes form local merchants and restaurants. 每天早上,温斯坦都通过校内广播系统宣布一些好人好事。她还恳求当地的商人和饭店出资给予奖励。

Given her fate, the name of the program has a heartbreaking resonance to it: Random Acts of Kindness. 想想她的命运,这项活动的名称"随时随地做好事"听起来令人心碎。