第 210 课:The Seeds of Wrath 愤怒的种子-3

The failure of writers to write, or of people to understand each other - all these are indications of the deeper evil; the failure of communication. 作家不能写作,人民不能相互理解--所有这些都是很深的罪恶迹象,是不能交流的迹象,

But what is little understood by the outside world is that this is a failure legislated for. It is a failure which has been carefully designed. 但外部世界几乎不能理解的是这是有预谋的失败。

It is the intention of those who have constructed the apartheid society, and who intend that it should last forever, that those who make up the society should be prevented from communicating with each other. 这是那些建立种族隔离社会的人们的意图,是那些企图让种族隔离永久存在,并且阻止组成这个社会的人们之间的相互交流的人们的意图,

Black and white must be cut off from each other, must be unable to communicate. It is on this division that apartheid rests. This is the true meaning of apartheid. And it is this that inflicts the true terrible wound on South African society. 也正是南非社会所遭受的真正可怕的创伤。

But the real damage is in daily human relations. 但真正的破坏是在日常的人际关系上。

I have seen white children standing in one of the mixed buses rather than sit beside anyone who was not white and this seems to me so complete a rejection of another human person that it goes much further than the division and separation backed by law. 我见到过一辆黑人白人混合乘坐的公共汽车上,白人小孩情愿站着也不愿坐在任何一个有色人旁边。我个人认为如此彻底与另一个种族的人对立起来,似乎比法律意义上的分离或隔离更甚一筹。

From this kind of rejection comes a complete lack of any feeling of common humanity; the suffering of human being ceases to be real because he has ceased to be a real human being. 这种对立带来的是一种共同人性的感情匮乏。人类的苦难不再是真的,因为他已不再是真正意义上的人。

This is the situation which has been created in South Africa today. The tensions are real, the threat of a violent eruption constant. And this must not be thought of simply as the product of political factors or arguments. 这就是现今的南非造成的情况。紧张是真的,暴力的威胁经常不断。这不能简单地认为是政治因素或政治争论的产物。

It is a simple truth that human relations between people have deteriorated so far that dialogue, understanding, friendship - all these are impossible. 一个简单地事实是人们的关系已经十分恶化,以至于对话、理解、友谊--所有的这些都不可能了。

This is the effect of apartheid in terms of the society - this is its all pervasive extent: 这种种族隔离在社会方面的影响--这种影响的触角无所不在。

it breeds, if it breeds anything, hostility: often the result is simply the bitter sterility which will bring about violence. 如果说它还能繁衍什么,那就是仇视,其结果不过是痛苦的思想贫乏,而这往往又会带来暴力。