第 260 课:Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见-3

Jane and Charles get married. So do Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, once he has overcome his dislike of the Bennet family's strange ways, and she has seen the decent man behind the pride. 简和查尔斯结了婚。伊丽莎白与达西先生也终成眷属─ 一旦达西先生克服了对班奈特家奇怪生活方式的厌恶,而伊丽莎白也看到了他傲慢背后亲切善良的一面。

“I must confess that I think her as delightful a character as ever appeared in print, and how I shall be able to tolerate those who do not like her at least, I do not know.” “我必须承认,我认为她是所有出版书中最让人喜爱的角色。对那些一点都不喜欢她的人,我不知道我能容忍到什么地步。

In the flowery language of the early 19th century, that was how Jane Austen described her character Elizabeth Bennet in a letter to a friend. ”在讲究华丽词藻的19世纪初,简·奥斯汀在一封给朋友的信中对她小说中的角色伊丽莎白·班奈特做了上述描述。

Jane Austen need not have feared. Elizabeth has probably attracted more sympathy and admiration than any other of the author's characters, male or female. 简·奥斯汀不需要担心。和她笔下的其它男女角色相比,伊丽莎白可能已经得到了更多的赞同与钦佩。

She is a lively, quick -witted young woman with a strong sense of justice and a natural goodness that have widespread appeal. 伊丽莎白是个活泼机智的年轻女性,她强烈的正义感和善良的本性有广泛的吸引力。

One of the most interesting moments in “Pride and Prejudice” comes when Elizabeth reluctantly visits Darcy's home, and perceives the high respect in which he is held by everyone around him.《傲慢与偏见》中最有趣的一个情节是当伊丽莎白不情愿地拜访达西先生家时,感到他受到身边每个人的极度尊敬。

It is the turning point of the story, when she begins to see beyond Darcy's pride and develop real feelings for him. 这是故事的转折点,她开始透过达西先生的傲慢,看到他真实的一面,进而发展出对他的真情。

It also shows Jane Austen's skill at dealing with complex emotions and timeless themes in her deceptively simple stories. 在看似简单的故事里,简·奥斯汀处理复杂情感及永恒主题的技巧,在此也展露无遗。