第 271 课:Welcome Back, "Oscar" 奥斯卡旋风再现! -3

This is where famous celebrities make their grand entrances. 这是名人进入典礼会场的通道。

The Oscar ceremonies would not be complete without the traditional red carpet entrance. 没有传统的"红地毯"入场仪式,奥斯卡的颁奖典礼就不能算完整。

With big smiles and even bigger diamonds, celebrities parade down the red carpet showing off their expensive gowns for the photographers and fans. 名人们笑容满面地戴着比笑容更加耀眼的钻石走在红地毯上,向摄影师和影迷们炫耀他们昂贵的晚礼服。

During this time, gossip columnists crowd around celebrities to report on who arrived with who, and who looks the best. 入场的时候,八卦专栏的作家们会挤在名人周围报导谁和谁扺达现场,谁是最迷人的。

Women such as Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow usually charm fashion critics with their wonderful gowns and flawless style. 朱莉娅·罗勃兹和葛妮丝·派特洛等女星常以她们出色的晚礼服和完美的风格迷住了时尚评论家。

However, there are always individuals whose wild personalities prompt them to make outrageous, and often scary, fashion choices. Cher is frequently one of the wildest. 不过,也总会有一些个别人,他们粗野的性格促使他们在服饰选择上有惊人之举。最野性的人之一就是雪儿了。

After the last award is handed out, the guests go to the many parties held in Hollywood. 最后一个奖次颁发之后,来宾们便前往参加在好莱坞举办的众多聚会。

Some of these parties, like the one held by Elton John, raise money for AIDS charities and are always well-attended. 有些这类宴会,比如说由埃尔顿·约翰举办的,目的是为了给艾滋病慈善机构筹款,而且总是座无虚席。

At these exclusive parties, the guests celebrate the evening, movies and a little golden statuette known as "Oscar." 在这些对来宾限制严格的聚会上,宾客们齐聚一堂庆祝金像奖之夜,电影,和被叫做"奥斯卡"的小金人。