第 275 课:Eddie and the Early Birds 埃迪之往事不堪回首

For hotshot Eddie, it was a bitter pill to swallow. 对自命不凡的埃迪来说,这口气可真难以下咽。

He had been playing in a rock and roll band called the Early Birds for a few weeks. 他在"早起鸟儿"这个摇滚乐团已经演出好几个星期了。

Last night, the other members of the band kicked him out. 昨晚,乐团的其他成员把他踢出了团。

They said he was too lazy and didn't practice often enough. 他们说他太懒而且也不经常练习。

Also, they didn't see eye-to-eye with Eddie over the kind of music he wanted to play. 对埃迪想演奏的音乐类型,他们也无法认同。

"We're sick and tired of your attitude," said Dude Gimbal, the band's drummer. "我们讨厌你的态度。"乐团的鼓手杜德·金宝说。

"You keep talking about making it big, but you're not prepared to make an effort. "你总说要让乐团大红大紫,但你并不准备好好努力。

When you came late for the practice tonight, it was the last straw. We've decided to find another guitar player." 今晚的练习你又迟到,我们已经对此忍无可忍了。我们决定要另找一名吉他手。"

Though he was feeling blue when he woke up this morning, Eddie soon got over the setback. 虽然埃迪今早醒来心情很郁闷,但他很快从挫败中恢复了。

He decided that he would start another band and call it the Late Worms. 他决定另组一支乐团,就叫它"晚起虫儿"。