第 279 课:Who Was the Real Genghis Khan 大漠英豪─成吉思汗-3

The Mongols would harass the enemy from the sides until the latter were exhausted, then close in for the kill. 蒙古军会从四面八方不断侵扰敌人,直到敌人筋疲力尽,再包围并一举歼灭。

After capturing a city, Mongol armies would test the sincerity of the inhabitants' surrender. 蒙古军攻下一座城后,会考验城里居民的诚信。

They would pretend to go away, leaving behind a small number of representatives. 他们会佯装离开,只留下少数代表。

If these were killed, the Mongols would return to murder the entire population. They seldom took prisoners. 如果代表被杀,蒙古军会回来将居民杀个片甲不留。他们很少拘捕战俘。

Despite his ruthless methods, Genghis Khan was not an impulsive killer. 尽管成吉思汗的手段残忍,他却不是个逞一时之快的杀手。

He avoided battle if diplomacy would work, and he was skilled at using spies to help achieve his aims. 如果外交手段奏效,他会避免发动战争,而且他擅长利用间谍帮助他达到目标。

He also maintained the tradition of choosing leaders in a mass meeting, and people under his rule were able to advance by ability rather than noble birth.他也保持群众大会选举首领的传统,在他统治下的子民均可凭其能力获得晋升,而不是凭其高贵的出身。

For the citizens of modern-day Mongolia, Genghis Khan is a folk hero and a symbol of their emerging democracy. 对今天的蒙古人民来说,成吉思汗是位民族英雄,也是他们新兴民主的象征。

A main street in the capital of Ulan Bator has been named after him, and his image is on a banknote.首都乌兰巴托有一条主要街道是以成吉思汗命名的,钞票上也印有他的肖像。

He even has a brand of vodka named after him, not an unusual memorial for one of history's greatest conquerors. 一种伏特加酒甚至以他命名,对历史上伟大的一名征服者而言,这不能算是了不起的纪念。

Perhaps Genghis Khan would appreciate this more than his traditional reputation as a ruthless killer.和传说中 "无情杀手"的威名相比,成吉思汗也许更欣赏这种纪念方式。