第 305 课:The Gentleman Thief 怪盗亚森·罗苹-1

He is handsome, charming, highly intelligent, and a master of disguise. He steals, but only from the rich, and marries four times. 他英俊迷人,聪明绝顶,是个伪装高手。他行窃,但只对富人下手,他结过四次婚。

He travels the world using a number of names and his adventures are the talk of Paris. Who is this fascinating celebrity? 以多个化名环游世界,他的冒险也在巴黎传颂一时。这个让人着迷的人是谁呢?

He is Arsene Lupin, gentleman-criminal-turned-detective and one of France's best-known and best-loved literary figures. 他他就是亚森·罗苹,绅士怪盗名侦探,也是法国最有名而且最受喜爱的文学人物之一。

Created by French writer Maurice Leblanc, Lupin first appeared in 1905 in the French magazine “Je Sais Tout” (I Know Everything). 由法国作家莫里斯·勒布朗所塑造的罗苹在1905年的一本法语杂志《我什么都知道》中首次登场。

The magazine regularly contained stories featuring the criminal genius, and in 1907 published a collection called “Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar.” 这本杂志定期在专栏刊登这位犯罪天才的故事,并在1907年编辑出版《怪盗亚森·罗苹》一书。

The daring thief's exploits achieved a level of popularity to match that of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes. 这个大胆窃贼的业绩受欢迎的程度足以与阿瑟·柯南道尔笔下的福尔摩斯媲美。

Indeed, Leblanc was himself a great fan of the fictional English detective, and wrote a Holmes-like detective named Herlock Sholmes into several of Lupin's greatest adventures. 事实上,勒布朗自己就是这名虚构英国侦探的狂热崇拜者,而且他将一名神似福尔摩斯的侦探写入罗苹的许多精彩冒险故事中,甚至给他取名为“摩尔福斯”。

Maurice Leblanc was born in northern France in 1864. His wealthy father, the owner of a successful shipping firm, sent Maurice to be educated in France, Germany and Italy. 1864年莫里斯·勒布朗出生在法国北部。莫里斯富有的父亲是一家生意兴隆的运输公司老板,他把莫里斯送到法国、德国和意大利接受教育。