第 307 课:The Gentleman Thief 怪盗亚森·罗苹-3

His true enemies are always evil men whose crimes are far worse than his own. 他的真正敌人总是远比他罪孽还要深重的邪恶之徒。

Moreover his crimes are often motivated by good intentions. 而且他犯罪的动机总是出于善意。

Later in his career, Lupin actually works with the police, and in one adventure, even leads a murder investigation.在后期的侦探生涯中,罗苹其实还与警方一同办案,在一次冒险中,他甚至还主持了对一件谋杀案的调查。

His ongoing battle of wits with Herlock Sholmes accounts for some memorable events.

Their rivalry leads to a gun battle which kills the woman with whom Lupin had decided to settle down.

Devastated by her death, Lupin returns once more to his life of crime.

He eventually has his revenge on Sholmes by solving a riddle that the detective couldn not.

By outwitting Sholmes, Arsene Lupin is, once and for all, proved to be the world's greatest criminal genius.