第 317 课:Venetian Vacation 浪漫水都─威尼斯-2

St. Mark's Basilica stands at one end of St.Mark's Square. 圣马可大教堂耸立在圣马可广场的一端。

Napoleon called the square the “finest drawing room in Europe.” 拿破仑称此广场为“欧洲最美的客厅”。

Tourists have been going there for centuries to visit its celebrated café and get a taste of the party atmosphere. 几个世纪来,游客们纷沓而至,领略此地著名的咖啡馆并感受欢乐的聚会气氛。

The best time to visit Venice is during the clear spring days of March and April. 3月和4月晴朗的春日是拜访威尼斯最适合的时间。

From June to August, the city is hot, sticky, and crowded with tourists. 从6月到8月,这儿潮湿闷热,挤满了游客。

Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. Floods are common in November and December, presenting Venetians with one of their most difficult and ongoing problems. 秋天的气候宜人,冬天则寒冷。11月和12月常有水灾,给威尼斯人出了一个既最难解决、又拖延最久的问题。

It is well-known that Venice faces an uncertain future. 众所周知威尼斯的前途未卜。

The city is sinking into the sea, its historic buildings are falling to pieces, and the famous lagoon is badly polluted. 这座城市正逐渐沉入海中,历史名建筑正破败消失,著名的泻湖已遭到严重污染。

Unless solutions are found soon for these complex problems, the “Queen of the Adriatic,” as Venice is sometimes called, will not be able to sit on her watery throne for very much longer. 除非能尽快解决这些复杂的问题,否则这座被称为“亚得里亚海皇后”的威尼斯城,不用多久就难保它的水上宝座了。