第 319 课:One-eyed Doe 独眼鹿

A one-eyed doe was grazing near the river. She kept her one eye on the land to watch out for hunters. 一只独眼母鹿正在河边吃草。她用一只眼睛对着陆地,注意看有没有猎人。

She kept the other side of her face towards the river because she never saw hunters coming from the river. 她脸的另一侧眼睛则对着河流,因为她从未见猎人从河里出现。

However, she didn't see the boat on the river with sailors in it. 可是她没有看到河上载着水手的船。

When they got close enough, one of them shot her with his rifle. 当水手们靠近她时,其中一人射杀了她。

She lay there dying, and with her last few breaths, said, “My God! I expected an attack from land, but it turns out I was safe from that. 她躺在那儿奄奄一息。用仅存的几口气说道:“天哪!我以为攻击会来自陆上,结果我却毫发无损。

I took the river for granted, so I didn't watch it. My enemy came from the one place I least expected!” 我以为河流这边一定安全,所以我没有注意。我的敌人居然来自最出乎我意料的地方!”