第 321 课:I Think, Therefore I Am Here

Perhaps you have a big test coming up and you are feeling nervous. 也许你正为了明天的大考感到紧张。

These days, it is pass or perish, so you know you have got to do well. 现在,不是通过,就是完蛋,所以你知道你一定得考好。

The pressure is on, so you may be losing sleep and the ability to concentrate. 压力就在那里,你也许就会睡眠不足或无法集中精神。

How can you deal with the stress, study effectively, and take the test with confidence? Maybe you should try meditation. 该怎样面对压力,有效地学习,以及信心十足地迎接考试呢?或许你该试试冥想。

When people think about meditation, many picture old men sitting cross-legged on remote mountaintops. 人们一想到冥想,脑子里就会浮现出在深山顶上老人盘腿而坐的画面。

People describing meditation frequently mention elements such as gurus, relaxation, and "thinking about nothing". 许多人在描述冥想时,也总是要提到古鲁(宗师),放松,什么都不想等要素。

It is not necessary to travel to a mountaintop to enjoy the benefits of meditation because it is actually more about awareness than just relaxation. The secret to meditation is breathing. 不一定登上山顶才能享受到冥想的好处。因为冥想时意识比放松更重要。冥想的秘诀是呼吸。

To start meditating, find a place where you can sit or stand comfortably for a little while and concentrate. 开始冥想前,找个你可以暂时站着或坐着舒服的地方然后集中精神。