
Thai food is regularly rated as some of the best in the world. 泰式料理通常被列为世界上数一数二的美食。

Most cooking is done with fresh ingredients and frequently employs garlic or chillies with plenty of lime juice, lemon grass, or coriander. 大多数的菜肴都是用新鲜的材料烹调而成,常佐以大蒜或拌有大量酸橙汁、柠檬草或芫荽等。

These help produce dishes that are spicy, yet deliciously fragrant with a distinctive tang. 这些调料有助于烹制辛辣、浓郁、具有独特香味的菜肴。

Sampling Thailand's diverse dishes will give you the energy to explore its many sights. 品尝了泰国各式各样的美食后,你就有充沛的精力去游览当地多处景点。

The capital, Bangkok, and other older cities are graced with elegant ruins and beautifully decorated temples. 典雅的遗迹和装饰华丽的庙宇把首都曼谷和其它古老的城市装扮得美不胜收。

In these places, one can wander at leisure and learn about the country's rich artistic heritage. 置身其中,我们可以轻松地边漫步边了解这个国家丰富的艺术遗产。

If you are more of a nature lover, consider heading north to Chiang Mai. 如果你热爱大自然,可以考虑到清迈一游。

There you can find many opportunities to trek into the hills, explore jungles and waterfalls, visit the hill tribes of the area, or experience the once-in-a-lifetime pleasures of bamboo-rafting or elephant-riding. 在清迈,你会有很多机会徒步走进小山,探索丛林、瀑布,造访当地山地部落,或体验一生一次乘竹筏和骑大象的乐趣。

After all that trekking and sightseeing, you may want to relax and soothe away your aches and pains. 在漫步山林和周游名胜后,你可能想要放松一下,舒缓腰酸背痛。