第 328 课:Basking in the Land of Smiles “泰”好玩!-3

Thailand also is a great place for pain and stress relief. 泰国也是舒缓疼痛及压力的好地方。

Places for massage and reflexology are everywhere, ready to work on your tired body and leave you feeling refreshed. 按摩和足底按摩的地方到处都有,可以随时随地为您疲惫的身体做按摩,让您感觉精神振奋。

Having a traditional Thai massage can be one of the highlights of your visit. 享受传统的泰式按摩会是你旅游中的重要内容。

If lying on the beach is your thing, head for one of the many hundreds of beautiful islands that rest along Thailand's lengthy coastline. 如果躺在沙滩上享受日光浴是你的最爱,那就去一个小岛吧!沿着泰国绵长的海岸线,有上百个美丽的小岛。

The beaches in Thailand are some of the best in the world. 泰国的海滩也是世界上数一数二的。

They range from packed resort spots with plenty of water sports to quiet, idyllic, picture-perfect retreats, where only the gentle sound of the ocean can be heard. 既有一个紧挨一个的备有水上运动设施的度假胜地,也有宁静得只能听到海浪拍岸的田园如画般的休养所。

People may leave Thailand and settle back into the hustle and bustle of real life, but the image of Thailand never really leaves them. 人们离开了泰国,回到熙熙攘攘的都市生活中,但是泰国的美好形象仍留在游客的脑海之中。

For this reason, many travelers choose to return again and again to the unforgettable "Land of Smiles". 正因为如此,许多游客会一次又一次地回到那令人难忘的“微笑之国”。