第 329 课:Stars, Bulbs, and Light Pollution 都是光“害”的!-1

Our ancestors enjoyed a cleaner world. 我们的祖先享有比较干净的世界。

The water and air were cleaner, and when people went out at night, they could look at the stars above and ask questions about our place in the universe. 那时的空气和水都比较干净,人们晚上外出时,可以看着天上的繁星,探讨我们在宇宙空间的位置的有关课题。

Nowadays, in modern cities, we can barely see the stars at night because our view of them is not only obscured by the quality of the air, but by the quality of light as well. 如今,在现代化的都市中,我们晚上几乎难得一见天上的星星,由于空气和光线的质量,使星空的景像变得模糊不清。

Not many people realize that the misuse or misdirection of light is a form of pollution. Quite simply, it is called light pollution. 很多人不知道光线的滥用和乱射也是一种污染。简单地说,这就叫做“光污染”。

Like other forms of environmental damage, light pollution is created by man and contaminates our surroundings. 就像其它形式的环境破坏,光污染是由人类一手造成的,而且污染了人类自身的环境。

Like other forms of pollution, it also harms the environment. 和其它形式的污染一样,光污染也会对环境造成损害。

Just as our opportunities to enjoy rain forests are being taken away by human carelessness, so is our view of the stars at night. 晚上我们观赏星星美景和我们本就享有的欣赏雨林的机会,都因为人类的疏忽而被剥夺。

However, unlike other forms of environmental damage, the effects of light pollution can easily be reduced and even reversed. 然而,和其它形式的环境破坏不一样的是,光污染的影响是可以轻易被减轻,甚至被转变为好处的。

The damage caused by light pollution comes from poorly designed outdoor lighting. 光污染造成的破坏,来自户外照明的设计不当。