第 361 课:A.I. 《人工智能》-2

Many moviegoers have swooned over Jude Law's classic good looks and charming demeanor but he is much more than just a pretty face. 单凭典型的俊美容貌与迷人的气质,裘德·洛就已使得影迷们崇拜得五体投地。

He has distinguished himself as a talented actor, garnering heaps of praise and numerous award nominations. 然而,裘德·洛拥有的不只是一张英俊的脸。他出众的才华使他扬名,从而他赢得了许多赞誉,获得了无数奖项的提名。

Like many actors, Law, twenty-nine, began his career on the stage, joining the National Youth Music Theater in London at the age of twelve. 和许多演员一样,29岁的裘德·洛的演艺事业发迹于舞台,他十二岁时便加入伦敦国家青年音乐剧团。

After some experience in theater, he landed a role in a soap opera and dropped out of high school just shy of graduation. 在取得一些舞台剧演出经验之后,他获得一个肥皂剧的角色,于是没有等到高中毕业就辍学了。

Law returned to the stage in 1993, receiving high acclaim and an "outstanding Newcomer" nomination for his role in Pygmalion. 裘德·洛于1993年重返舞台,颇受好评,主演的《卖花女》让他赢得杰出新人奖提名。

His next highly successful play, Indiscretions , moved to Broadway and his performance there won him a Tony nomination. 另一出成功的戏,是在百老汇演出的《言行失检》,这也让他荣膺美国戏剧托尼奖提名。

After breaking into film in London, Law moved on to Tinseltown with the sci-fi flick Gattaca . 在伦敦进入电影业后,裘德·洛继续朝好莱坞迈进,他的首部影片为科幻片《千钧一发》。

He had roles in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and Wilde before blowing away critics and audiences alike in The Talented Mr. Ripley , which earned him both Oscar and Golden Globe nominations. 后来他也陆续接拍《热天午夜的欲望地带》及《王尔德与他的情人》等片,直到主演《天才雷普利》,才将所有批评与观望一扫殆尽,并获得奥斯卡及金球奖的提名。

Law's role in Steven Spielberg's upcoming film A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) will no doubt be a great showcase for the actor's talent and sex appeal; 裘德·洛在史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格的新片《人工智能》中,无疑将能尽情挥洒戏剧天分,并完美绽放性感魅力。

he plays a love machine that literally exists to bring physical pleasure to humans. 他扮演性爱机器人,他的生存的的确确满足人类肉体的欢愉。

Whatever Jude Law's next career move may be, the future certainly looks bright for the rising young star. 不论裘德·洛演出生涯的下一步将是什么,这颗新星的未来肯定灿烂眩目。