第 368 课:Moulin Rouge 红磨坊-2

The story is a tragedy, but the movie is something else altogether. 这个故事原本是个悲剧,电影中则融入了一些其他的元素。

Those who disparaged the Romeo and Juliet experience, whether they were Shakespeare shunners, or purists, or simply sticks in the mud, might be prepared to quibble over Moulin Rouge. 那些把《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一剧贬得一文不值的人,包括无论是莎士比亚的忠实拥护者也好,还是纯粹主义者,或根本就是顽固不化的人也好,这下都可以再对《红磨坊》好好评论一番了。

Moviegoers will certainly discover a whole new association between modern English pop and historical France. 观众们一定会发现,这部电影把现代英语流行乐和法国史实做了个前所未有的融合。

Likely, however, they will find themselves seduced by an experience that is at once familiar and strange, and altogether amazing. 观众很可能也会发现自己已经神魂颠倒,迷醉在这种既熟悉又陌生,却又处处充满惊喜的体验之中。

By the time tall Australian redhead Nicole Kidman was three years old, she had already taken up ballet. 妮可·基曼,这位身材高挑的澳洲裔红发美女,三岁时就开始学习芭蕾舞。

She continued showing an interest in performing and enrolled in drama school at the age of ten. 由于她不断地显示出对表演的兴趣,十岁时便进入了戏剧学校。

After racking up a string of lesser-known credits, she caught the attention of agents with a stellar performance in Dead Calm, in which her character is forced to defend herself against a murderous psychopath on a yacht. 历经了好一段三流演员的日子后,她终于以在《飞越地平线》中的亮丽演出获得经纪人的青睐。在片中,她所扮演的角色曾被迫在帆船上抵抗一名凶残的精神病患者。

Kidman also caught the attention of Tom Cruise, who insisted she play a part in Days of Thunder. 妮可·基曼也吸引了汤姆克鲁斯的目光,他坚持让她在《霹雳男儿》片中扮演一个角色。