第 381 课:The Rough,Tough World Of Rugby 敢冲敢抢橄榄球-2

As for William Webb Ellis, his spirit lives on. 至于艾利斯本人,他的精神永存。

His name has been given to the trophy awarded to the winners of the quadrennial Rugby World Cup tournament. 四年一次的世界杯橄榄球锦标赛的奖杯就是以“威廉·韦伯·艾利斯杯”命名的。

For young men in New Zealand, the pinnacle of sporting achievement is widely reckoned to be donning the famous black uniform of the national rugby team. 对新西兰的年轻人来说,运动生涯的最高成就,就是能穿上那套出名的橄榄球国家代表队的黑色制服。

Ever since 1905, when the first officially sanctioned New Zealand touring team swept aside all opposition on a tour of Britain, the fearsome All Blacks have retained an aura of invincibility that has rarely been overcome. 自从1905年 第一支正式批准的新西兰代表队远征英伦巡回比赛,横扫所有对手,大获全胜以来,这支令人生畏的“全黑队”就保持了几乎不可战胜的气势。

Such is the reputation of the All Blacks that some believe they gain a psychological advantage over their opponents the moment they step out onto the playing field. 这就是“全黑队”的名声,有些人认为,他们走上球场的那一刻,就在心理上压倒了对手。

If such an advantage really exists, it can only be enhanced when, as tradition dictates, the team performs the celebrated haka before the match kicks off. 如果这样的优势真的存在,当这支队伍在传统的指引下,在比赛前跳起著名的“哈卡”舞,这种优势才能得到加强。

Haka is the generic term for a traditional dance of the Maori people. Its connection with the game of rugby goes back to the late 19th century, when the New Zealand Native Team performed one on an unofficial tour of Britain. “哈卡”是毛利人一种传统舞蹈的通称。它与橄榄球运动的联系可以追溯到19世纪末,新西兰土著球队队在英国各地进行非正式比赛期间表演了这种舞蹈。

Nowadays, the haka is still led by a player of Maori descent whenever and wherever the All Blacks take the field. 现在,不论何时何地,只要“全黑队”比赛,就仍会有一名毛利人后裔球员带 头跳“哈卡”舞。

While recent years have seen the All Blacks struggling to match their past successes, the emergence of skillful professionals such as Tongan-born winger Jonah Lomu ensures that the famous black jersey with the silver fern on the left breast is still able to instill awe in opponents and spectators alike. 近几年,“全黑队”努力想恢复旧日荣光,球技超群的职业球员如:汤加出生的侧翼大将乔纳·洛姆等一一出现, 则可以保证:这件著名的左胸前镶有银蕨(注:新西兰的国徽)的黑色球衣,还是能让敌手胆战心惊、让观众肃然起敬的。