第 385 课:The Deep End 暗夜摇篮曲-2

While you may not have heard of her before, she has a small but fierce following based on her mesmerizing performances and interesting roles. 《以前你可能没听说过她, 但她凭着魅力四射的演出和吸引人的角色,拥有了一群人数不多但狂热的拥护者。

Swinton's passion for close-ups--where she says "figurative cinema becomes art"--is evident in her new film, which critics say may earn her an Oscar. 史温顿钟爱特写镜头,她曾说:“象征性电影是艺术”,这在她的新上映的影片中一览无遗,影评们说那可能会为她赢得奥斯卡奖。

Swinton hails from an upper-class Scottish family in London and was educated at Cambridge before working in theater. 史温顿来自伦敦的一个苏格兰上层阶级家庭,在踏入戏剧界之前在剑桥受过教育。

Her foray into film began with a long collaboration with English art house director Derek Jarman. 她涉足电影界始于与英格兰艺术电影导演德里克·贾曼的长期合作。

Later successful films of Swinton's include "Female Perversions", "Love is the Devil", and her most well-known work to date, "Orlando", in which she played a man who lived for more than 400 years and became a woman. 后来,史温顿受欢迎的电影有:《黑色芳心》、《Love is the Devil》,和迄今为止最出名的作品《美丽佳人欧兰朵》。她在剧中扮演一个男人,活了四百多年后最终变成了女人。

Swinton became a bankable actress in the wake of that movie, but continued to choose unorthodox and challenging roles. 史温顿也因为这部影片而成为了可以保证票房收入的女演员,但她仍继续接演一些非传统而具挑战性的角色。

Her character in "The Deep End" is an apparently ordinary suburban mom, but one that is shaken out of complacency by dramatic events. 她在《暗夜摇篮曲》里的角色,显然是个普通的郊区母亲,而不是一个被激动人心的事件从自满中摇醒的人。

Swinton likes the fact that her character is forced to think and question things, which she says is all too rare in female roles. 史温顿喜欢她的角色被迫去思考与质疑,她说,在女性的角色中,这是十分少有的。

Her performance may make her a household name, but regardless of impending fame, Tilda Swinton has her feet firmly on the ground and continues to maintain her creative integrity. 蒂尔达·史温顿的演出或许会使她成为家喻户晓的人物,但尽管她的名声唾手可得,蒂尔达·史 温顿仍然脚踏实地,继续保持她创造性的人格。