第 39 课:Reading Provides Necessary Survival Skills

With the coming of the television age and the increasing emphasis on pictures and sound in all quarters of our society, 因为进入了电视时代,社会生活的各方面都把图像和声响放在越来越重要的位置。

many people would have us believe that we are moving rapidly away from reading as a necessary life skill. But this is not the case at all. 所以有许多人认为我们应该迅速地改掉阅读这一生存所必须具备的技能,但实际情况根本就不是这样。

Good reading is a more important life skill than ever before and the printed word continues to be the cornerstone of both higher education and better positions in the job market. 现在良好的阅读能力是比过去任何时候都更加重要的一种生存技能。书面的文字资料依然是高等教育和就业市场上能找到较好职位的垫脚石。

For students, almost all studying involves reading. 对学生来说,几乎任何课程都必须经过阅读;

For adults, reading is day to day, either a stumbling block or a smooth path to pleasure and opportunity. 对成年人来说,坚持天天读,就是一条通往幸福快乐能够抓住大好机遇的一条平坦大道,否则就会成为你前进路上的绊脚石。

This is why good reading hobits are not only an important study skill for the student, but also an important life skill for anyone. 因此,良好的阅读习惯不但是学生学习的重要技能,对任何人都是一种重要的生存技能。

SCANNING - You can get a good idea about the material by taking a few moments right off to read the title, chapter headings, section titles and headlines. 快速游览--拿到阅读材料先用极短的时间马上看看标题、篇章题目、小节的题目及文中的大号字体,以便能抓住这份材料的主要思想内容。

The purpose of scanning is to get a quick understanding of what to expect from the reading, so that you will know what you are reading as you go along. 快速游览的目的就是要迅速地理解你从这份阅读材料中所期望获得的信息,以便你能知道在你接着继续读下去的时候你将会读到些什么内容。

Maps, charts, graphs and pictures are clues that will help the reader to cue in on the content and organization of the material. 各类地图、图表、曲线图和图片都是很有用的线索,为帮助读者去理解所读的材料的内容和组织结构提供一些启示。

This simple technique of scanning can help you read for ideas because you will know where you are going when you begin to read. 这种简易可行的快速浏览的技巧有助于你在阅读中抓住中心思想、段落大意,因为在你开始阅读以后你就会知道你将要读到的内容。