第 390 课:The Catcher in the Rye 麦田守望者-1

Banned by many schools and libraries when first published in 1951, “The Catcher in the Rye” has been courting controversy for half a century. 在1951年首次出版时被许多学校和图书馆列为禁书的《麦田守望者》,半个世纪以来不断引发争议。

J.D. Salinger's soul-searching novel of youthful alienation has long since faced down its initially hostile reception. 塞林格的这本描述年轻人疏离感的内省小说自此一直从容地面对开始时对它的敌意。

Nowadays it is one of the most frequently taught books in high school English classes in the United States. 现在,它却成为了美国中学英文课程中最常使用的教材之一。

In the deeply conservative early 1950s, many Americans were shocked by “Catcher”'s explicit language and open treatment of delicate issues such as psychological instability and sexuality. 在极度保守的20世纪50年代初期,“守望者”口无遮拦的粗话,和对心理不稳定状态及性欲等敏感话题的开放态度,使许多美国人为之震惊。

Most of the controversy nowadays, however, concerns how the book and its precocious1 hero are interpreted. 然而,现在有关该书的争论则大多围绕如何诠释这本书及书中早熟的主人翁展开。

Holden Caulfield is the 16-year-old schoolboy whose first-person narrative of his mental breakdown over several days forms the basic plot. 小说的主人公霍尔顿·考尔菲德是一名16岁的男学生,书中以第一人称的方式叙述了他在几天内精神崩溃的经过,这就是这本书的基本情节。

Critics generally agree that he is the only substantial character in the novel. 书评家普遍认为,霍尔顿是小说中唯一重要的角色。

However, opinions are divided on the outcome of Holden's constant raging against the hypocrisy of the adult world: Some see his eventual acceptance of reality as a positive view of his maturation, while others view his capitulation as an indictment of an oppressive society.然而,对霍尔顿对成人世界伪善面目的愤恨的结局,意见出现了分歧:一方认为他最终接受了现实,这是他走向成熟的积极表现;另一方则将他的屈服视为(作者)对沉闷压抑的社会的一种控诉。

The author has fueled controversy himself by remaining a reclusive figure who has refused to comment on his work or publish anything further. 这些争议因为作者始终保持隐遁的姿态、拒绝对本书发表评论或进一步出版其它作品而变得更加激烈。

Whatever his opinions, there is no doubting the book that made him famous presents a challenge to readers who care to contemplate the emptiness and isolation of the human condition. 无论作者本人持什么意见,这本让他一举成名的著作对于那些有意于仔细思忖人类的状况的空虚和孤独的读者来说,无疑是一大挑战。