第 395 课:From Hell (I) 地狱追魂帖-1

In the autumn of 1888, in London's sordid Whitechapel district, one name evoked terror and trepidation more than any other: “Jack the Ripper”. 1888年的秋天,在伦敦污秽不堪的白教堂区,一个名字引起了人们空前的恐怖和惊惶,这个名字就是——杀人狂杰克。

Never identified, Jack the Ripper was a man who, over a four-month period, was responsible for the deaths and mutilation of five women whose destitute lives had led them into prostitution. 杀人狂杰克的身份始终是一个谜,他涉嫌在四个月内杀害和肢解五名因生活穷困而被迫卖淫的女子。

Striking only at night, with the handywork and precision of a highly-skilled surgeon, this notorious killer tore at the fabric of London society. 这位声名狼藉的杀人狂只在夜晚出没作案,用他如技术高超的外科医生般的巧手和精确度,损坏了伦敦的社会结构。

Fear and panic spread through communities with every newly discovered body. 随着尸体一具接一具被发现,恐惧与惊慌在人群中扩散蔓延。

The killer was never caught. On a trail of death and dismemberment, the only thing left alive was the mystery surrounding his identity. 而这名杀人狂却始终未被抓获。在一连串的分尸命案当中,留给人们的唯有笼罩着他身分的谜团。

Now, more than a century later, Jack is back as the subject of a new movie starring Johnny Depp and Heather Graham. 现在,一个多世纪以后,杰克作为一部新片的主题又回来了!新片由约翰尼·戴普和希瑟·格雷厄姆领衔主演。

In this fictionalized account of the infamous slayings, Depp plays Fred Abberline, opium abuser, brooding widower, and inspector, on the Ripper case. 在这部由臭名昭著的杀人狂的故事改编而成的影片中,戴普饰演佛雷德·艾柏琳:一名吸食鸦片、常陷入沉思的鳏夫,也是负责杀人狂一案的检察官。

Graham plays Mary Kelly, the ravishing lady-of-the-night who enraptures the morose detective. 格雷厄姆则饰演玛莉·凯丽:一名令这位郁郁寡欢的警探神魂颠倒的风情万种的“夜生活女子”。