第 397 课:From Hell (I) 地狱追魂帖-3

Through Cage, Depp reluctantly accepted his first feature-film role. 在凯奇的安排下,戴普极不情愿地接演了他的首部电影故事片。

He played the hunky boyfriend devoured by a killer bed in “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. 他在《半夜鬼上床》一片中扮演女主角的英俊男友,被“杀人鬼床”吞吃了。

As Depp became more serious about his acting, more and more movie roles were cast his way. 戴普对待他的表演事业越认真,就越是按自己的喜好接演角色。

He only took parts that focused on his acting ability rather than his looks. 他只参与能突出演技而不是外貌的演出。

Eventually, Depp gained respect with critically acclaimed performances in movies such as “Edward Scissorhands”, ”What's Eating Gilbert Grape?”, ”Donnie Brasco”, ”Sleepy Hollow”, and “Chocolat”. 后来,戴普在《剪刀手爱德华》、《恋恋情深》、《惊天爆》、《鬼上门》和《浓情巧克力》等影片中的表现获得了影评们的赞誉,也赢得了影坛的尊敬。

After a roller-coaster ride of failed romances that were well-publicized in the United States, Depp has finally found stability with singer/actress Vanessa Paradis in France. 在经历了几场如坐云霄飞车般大起大落、并且被美国媒体大肆渲染的失败的恋情以后,戴普终于在法国影歌双栖明星凡妮莎·帕拉迪斯身上找到了稳定的爱情。

He is currently promoting “From Hell” while experiencing the joys and virtues of parenthood. 现在,他正一边为《地狱追魂贴》作宣传,一便享受着天伦之乐。