第 399 课:Tradition Facing Forward 国油双峰塔:亚洲出头天!

With pinnacles ascending 452 meters above Kuala Lumpur, the Petronas Twin Towers have a slender elegance reminiscent1 of the graceful spires of Muslim temples. 坐落在吉隆坡的国油双峰塔,是两座高452米,耸入云霄的尖塔状建筑,其修长雅致的外观不由让人想起穆斯林教堂优雅的尖顶。

The Islamic influence extends right down to the towers? floor plans, which are based on an eight-pointed star. 伊斯兰的影响力还扩及到塔底以八角星为基准的地面设计。

However, the Petronas Twin Towers are not merely a tribute to Malaysia's cultural and religious heritage. 然而,国油双峰塔不只是对马来西亚文化和宗教遗产的献礼,

They are Malaysia's challenge to the Asian financial hegemony of Hong Kong and Singapore. 更表现了马来西亚对香港及新加坡亚洲经济霸权的挑战。

In building the towers, Malaysia was proclaiming that it, too, wanted to be a center of world trade. 通过建造双峰塔,马来西亚向世界宣告,它也要跻身世界贸易中心的行列。

Each tower is supported by a solid 23-x-23-meter core of high-strength concrete. 支撑每座高塔的是23×23m2的坚固的标号混凝土芯。

In addition, the towers are joined by a walkway at the 41st stories. 此外,双塔在41楼由一条走廊连结了起来。

The increased stability enabled architects to boost the buildings? height-to-width ratio, giving the towers an air of elegance. 这样增加了建筑的稳定性,建筑师们就可以提高建筑的高宽比例,使双塔具有高贵典雅的外观。

In erecting their towers to the heavens, the builders did not wish to compromise the security and comfort of those who worked there. 在建造高耸入云的双塔时,建筑师们也兼顾到了大厦里工作人员的安全和舒适。

The twin edifices were equipped with three major safety networks. 这两座大厦里设有三大安全网络。

Each tower has its own building control system, fire alarm system, and building security system. 各塔都有自己的控制系统、火警系统和大楼安全系统。

In case of a computer failure, these systems can be controlled separately by each tower, independent of the main network. 万一计算机出现问题,各塔有各自的安全网络。

With a state-of-the-art computer system nestled within traditional architectural motifs, the Petronas Twin Towers are both Malaysia's monument to its past and the hope of its financial future. 拥有最先进的计算机系统和传统建筑的外观的国油双峰塔既是马来西亚历史的纪念碑,也是未来经济发展的希望。