第 414 课:Sight for Sore Eyes 激光手术,大饱“眼福”-1

For many of us, walking in the rain can be a pleasant and even soothing experience. 对许多人来说,雨中漫步可能是一种愉快甚至舒服的体验。

For those of us who wear glasses, though, drops of water on the lenses and obscured vision can have us running for cover. 但是对我们这些戴眼镜的人来说,镜片上的水滴和模糊了的视线,就会让我们跑去避雨。

Interested in returning to your days before glasses? Good news! Wearing contact lenses is no longer your only option. 想回到戴眼镜之前的日子吗?好消息!隐形眼镜不再是你唯一的选择。

Recently, Lasik eye surgery has become the most widely used surgical procedure for vision correction. 近来,激光眼科手术成了运用最广泛的矫正视力的外科手术。

Myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism are all caused by an imperfectly shaped eyeball, cornea, or lens. 近视、远视及散光都是由于眼球、角膜或水晶体变形引起的。

Because of the imperfection, light entering the eye is not clearly focused on the retina. 由于这种变形,进入眼睛的光线无法清楚地聚焦在视网膜上。

During the Lasik procedure, a thin piece of the cornea is cut and folded back. 在进行激光眼科手术的过程中,眼角膜的一层薄膜被割开并折叠起来。