第 52 课:Why We Walk in Circles 为什么我们会走成两个大圆圈-4

Now suppose he takes ten step - five with his left foot and five with his right. 现在假设这个人迈了十步--左脚迈五步,右脚也迈五步。

His left foot will travel 100 inches. His right foot will travel 150 inches. 他的左脚总共走了100英寸,他的右脚总共走了150英寸。

This sounds impossible. One foot cannot remain 50 inches behind the other. 这听起来让人觉得不可能。一只脚怎么能比另一只慢50英寸。

What really happens? At each step the man turns a little bit to the left. 到底是怎么回事呢?每迈一步这个人就稍微向左转了一点点。

Sooner or later he makes a complete circle. The tracks of his feet, however, make two circles, one inside the other. His left foot makes the smaller circle because it is taking larger steps. 迟早,他会走成一个大圆圈。于是他的两只脚所走过的圆圈稍微小一点,因为左脚迈的步子小。他的右脚所走的圈比较大,因为右脚的每一步都大一点。

This is why a person may walk in an arc when he sets out in a straight line. 这就是一个人在出发时本来是想走的直线,结果却走成了一条弧线的原因。

The muscles of a man's arms are no more identical than the muscles of his legs.

This explains why the rowers who set out to cross the lake at night rowed in a circle. 这足可以说明这些在夜间出发去横渡湖面的划船手缍把船划行的路线划成了一个大圆圈的道理。

By the same rule, a bird's wings do not develop evenly, and so it will fly in circles when blinded. 同理,鸟的左右两个翅膀的发育也是不均衡的,所以如果它的眼睛瞎了以后,也会绕圆圈飞行。

Thus, dear readers, our circular mystery has a very straight answer. 由此可见,亲爱的读者,这就是我们的圆圈运动之迷的最直截了当的答案。