第 60 课:Why Don't Girls Think Like Boys?

Consequently, it is easy to understand why little girls often perform school tasks better than boys, especially if the task requires sitting still, obeying commands, and accepting the teacher's ideas. 因而,这就很容易明白,为什么小女孩在完成学校布置的各项任务中,都比男孩做得好,特别是像要求静静坐在那里不动,服从命令听指挥、接受老师的思想这样的任务。

A girl may pass easily through the first few grades. While boys of her age bring home low marks, the girl may easily get good grades. 每一个女孩上学后的头两三年级很容易就能通过考试关。女孩子很容易就能得到高分,而同龄的男孩拿回家的分数却很低。

Girls seem to have "better brains" in school. Why, then, do so few girls become great scientists? Why is the most important thinking in adult society done by men? 在校读书似乎是女孩的"脑子更好。"那么为什么,几乎很少有女孩能成为伟大的科学家。为什么在成年人最重要的思想都是由男人提出来的?

According to scientists, the answer is aggression. Because boys are aggressive, they refuse to accept other people's solutions; they insist upon solving problems for themselves. 根据科学家们的意见,答案就是"好侵犯他人"的性格。因为男孩都是好侵犯他人的,他们拒绝接受别人的决定。他们坚持要独立自主地解决问题。

Thus, while little girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them, little boys are learning to think in more independent ways. 就这样,在小女孩因为能记住教师所讲的话而得到高分的时候,而小男孩却正在学习用更加独立自主的方法去考虑问题。

In the adult world, the aggressive person is usually the one who gets the big salary, the great responsibility, the powerful job. 在成年人中,凡好侵犯他人的人通常都是能得到很高的年薪,责任重大,大权在握的人。

And since males are trained at an early age to be aggressive, males are more often chosen for key positions. 既然从小男性就被培养成好侵犯他人,上进心强,因而,男性也就更经常地被选拔到关键的岗位上来。

Many people believe this situation is wrong. They think women could be successful in science and industry if they were trained to be independent and problem-solving, as boys are. 许多人认为这种情况是错误的。他们认为假使妇女们也像男孩一样受过要独立要勇于解决问题这方面的训练,那么,妇女在科学和其他行业中也会像男孩一样取得成功的。