第 68 课:Panic and Its Effects 恐怖症及其对各方面的影响-2

Panic attack victims show the following symptoms: they often become easily frightened or feel uneasy in situations where people normally would not be afraid; 恐怖症的患者都会表现出下列症状:一、他们很容易受到惊吓,甚至在正常情况下,一般人都不会感到害怕的场合下,他们都会感到神经紧张不安;

they suffer shortness of breath, experience chest pains, a quick heartbeat, sudden fits of trembling, 二、他们呼吸短促,胸部疼痛,心跳加快,阵阵发抖;

a feeling that persons and things around them are not real;三、他们觉得周围所有的人和种种情况都不是真实的;

and most of all, a fear of dying or going crazy. 四、最为严重的是,有的害怕自己快要死了或快要发疯了。

A person seized by a panic attack may show all or as few as four of these symptoms.一个恐怖症发作了的人会表现出这一切症状或者说至少会表现出上述四种症状。

There has been a lot of explanations as to the causes of panic attacks. 关于恐怖症发作的致病原因有很多种解释。

Many claim that psychological stress could be a logical cause, but as yet, no evidence has been found to support this theory. 很多人主张说心理上的紧张压力从逻辑上来说应该是致病的原因,不过到现在为止还根本没有发现有任何证据能支持这一理论。

However, studies show that more women than men experience panic attacks and people who drink a lot as well as those who use drugs are more likely to suffer attacks. 不过,多方面调查研究显示女人比男人恐怖症发作的经历多,嗜酒成癖的人和吸毒的人更容易犯恐怖症发作的病。