第 72 课:Sleepwalking - Fact or Fancy?

In general, authorities on sleepwalking agree with her. 一般来讲,研究梦游问题的一些学术权威都同意她的说法。

They think that people will not do anything in their sleep that is against their own moral standard. 他们认为人们在睡梦中不会干出任何违背他们自己的道德准则的事情来。

As for the publicized cases, Dr. Teplitz points out, "Sleepwalking itself is dramatic… sleepwalkers can always find an audience. 至于谈到传闻中那些梦游的故事,泰普丽兹医生指出:"梦游本身就是带有戏剧色彩的事情……总会有些听众愿意去听梦游者的故事。

I think that some of their tall tales get exaggerated in the telling." 我认为他们的一些本来就是言过其实的故事在传讲的过程中被有枝添叶地夸大了。"

In her own records of case histories, there is not one sleepwalker who ever got beyond his own front door. 在她记录的病例档案中,没有任何一个在梦游的人曾经走出过自己家的前门。

To protect themselves, some sleepwalkers have been known to tie themselves in bed, lock their doors, hide the keys, bolt the window, and take all sorts of measures to wake themselves if they should get out of bed. 众所周知,有些患有梦游症的人,为了保护自己把自己捆绑在床上,锁上自己的门,把钥匙藏起来,把窗户都栓死,若是万一自己起了床去梦游,他们采取了各种各样的措施以便把自己弄清醒过来。

Curiously enough, they have an unusual way of avoiding their own traps when they sleepwalk, so none of their tricks seem to work very well. 说来这事也真够怪的,在他们起来梦游时,总能用一些不一般的手段避开自己清醒时所设下的那些防范的措施,所以他们那些防范的招数都不能很好地起作用。

Some sleepwalkers talk in their sleep loudly enough to wake someone else in the family who can then shake them back to their senses. 有些患梦游症的人在梦游时会大声说话,以便把家庭中其他人吵醒,然后让家人把他们摇回清醒状态。

Children who walk in their sleep usually outgrow the habit. In many adults, too, the condition is more or less temporary. 凡是患有梦游症的儿童长大以后通常都能改掉梦游的习惯。许多成年人也会改掉梦游的习惯,梦游的状态多多少少都具有暂时性。

If it happens often, however, the sleepwalker should seek help. 可是,如果经常发生梦游,那梦游患者就该去就医。

Although sleepwalking itself is nothing to become alarmed about, the problems that cause the sleepwalking may be very serious. 尽管梦游这种现象本身根本就不值得大惊小怪的,但是导致梦游的种种问题却很可能是非常严重的。