第 74 课:Why Are Maps Drawn with North at the Top?

since Ptolemy had calculated wrongly the size of the Atlantic and was unaware that the Pacific Ocean existed. 因为托勒密对大西洋的范围有多大计算错了。再加上他就不知道还有个太平洋。

The really important thing about Ptolemy's map was that north was at the top. 托勒密所绘制的地图有一点是十分重要的,那就是他把北方置于地图的上方。

The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Pole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust. 他之所以要这样做就是因为他决定以北极星的方向来确定地图的方位。因为北极星是一盏不动的导航灯,那个时代的航海家们主要依靠北极星来导航。

North at the top remained the accepted arrangement until the early Middle Ages, when the Church began to interfere seriously with the advance of science. 直到中世纪初期为止基督教会开始严重地干涉科学的进步和发展。在中世纪初期以前一致公认的依然是把北方置于地图的上方。

In accordance with the orders of the Church, maps were still produced in accordance with Ptolemy's principles - but now Jerusalem was the central feature, as it was held to be the center of the Christian faith, and east was moved to the top. 依照教会的命令,地图的绘制依然要遵循托勒密的原则原理--但当时耶路撒冷具有中心的特征,因为基督教的信仰认为耶路撒冷是中心,结果就把东方移成了地图的上方。

These maps are often called "T" Maps because they show only three continents - Europe, Asia and Africa - separated by the "T" formed by the Mediterranean Sea and the River Nile. 这种地图通常被叫做"丁"字形地图,因为这些地图上只表明了三大洲--欧洲、亚洲和非洲--的情况,这三大洲被地中海和尼罗河所形成的"丁"字隔开了。

From a navigational point of view, they were almost useless. 从航海的观点看来,这种地图几乎是没有用处的。

More accurate maps began to appear in the 14th century, with the spread of trade and increasing reliance on the compass. 随着贸易的扩张及越来越依靠罗盘,在14世纪开始出现了更加精确的地图。

Once again, north assumed its rightful place at the top of maps. 北方再一次被摆放到地图上的正确的位置--地图的上方。