第 97 课:Current Attitudes toward Physical Fitness

"This weekend will be cool and nice. Saturday looks like a good day for a personal record." "这个周末天气将会又凉又快又舒适。星期六看起来像是个创造个人记录的好日子。"

"Some would say I have a fear of death. Heck, I just want to live a long time." "有人会说我怕死。见他的鬼去吧。我只是想长寿。"

If you see your own attitude represented by one of thee comments, might you be shortsighted in your reason for valuing fitness? 如果上面的说法之一你觉得正是代表了你自己的态度,也许你参加健身运动的理由会有点儿目光短浅吧?

We would suggest that you reexamine your approach to fitness and its ability to positively influence other aspects of your life. 我们建议您重新检查一下你对待健康的态度、重新检查一下身体健康对您生活的其他一些方面能有哪些好的影响。

Ask yourself, "What could I achieve if I were really in top physical condition?" 扪心自问:"倘若我的身体真的达到了最棒的状态,那么我能取得什么成就呢"?

Because fitness levels are easily observed and can be measured, you can quickly start to see the emerging person you are capable of becoming. 因为身体健康的水平是很容易观察到的、也能测出来的,那么3你很快就能看出来,你能够成为一个脱颖而出的人。

Almost daily you can see progress and accomplishment. Keep in mind, however, that all people are different and some may progress faster than others. 几乎每天你都看到你的进步和成就。但要记住,所有的人都是不同的,有些人可能比另外一些人进行得快一些。

In the final analysis, we think that although fitness will not guarantee that you will live longer, it can help you enjoy the years you do live. 归根结底,虽然健康的体魄不会保证你一定会延长寿命,但是健康的体魄有助于你享受有生之年的欢乐。