第 50 课: That's one reason I stay out.

I was starting to think home-cooked meals were something I'd only dreamed about like a clean house.

Sandy: Well, consider- ing how often you're out late, I certainly have a right to get out myself once in a while...

you're never around to notice what the house looks like, anyway.

Ken: Oh, I notice. That's one reason I stay out.

Sandy: Well, you could lift a finger to help me once in a while.

You always leave your stuff all over the place and expect me to pick up after you.

Ken: Hey, who pays the bills around here? The housework is your job!

Sandy: So give me a salary. You're the one who made me quit my job, you know.

Ken: Well, you didn't seem any too sorry to do it. Sandy: I'm sorry now.

Ken: Oh, you were so sweet when we first married.

Sandy: Of course I was ... I hadn't been through any real hardship!