第 1 课: Renting an Apartment租公寓

Mr. Wei : I saw your advertisement in this morning's New York Times, and I'd like to take a look at the apartment. 我在今天早上的纽约时报看到你们的广告,所以我来看一下公寓。

Mrs. Jones: Come in, please. It's on the second floor. This way, please. 请进。公寓在二楼。这边请。

Mr. Wei : How much does the apartment rent for? 请问这间公寓租金怎么算?

Mrs. Jones: It's three hundred dollars a month…Here we are. This is the living room. There are windows in every room. The kitchen is on your left. 三百块钱一个月。……我们到了。这是客厅。每个房间都有窗户。厨房在你的左边。

Mr. Wei : There are two bathrooms. That's great! 有两间浴室。好极了!

Mrs. Jones: By the way, we don't allow any pets here. 对了,我们这儿不准养宠物。

Mr. Wei : I see. What about decorating? 我知道了。那装潢呢?

Mrs. Jones: If you decide to move in, we will repaint the apartment on the condition that you sign a two-year lease. 如果你决定要搬进来住,我们会帮你重新油漆整间公寓,条件是你签两年的租约。

Mr. Wei : That means if I sign a one-year lease, there will be no redecorating at all? 那就是说,如果我只签一年租约,就不会重新装潢了?

Mrs. Jones: That's right. 没错。

Mr. Wei : If I decided to take it, how soon could I move in? 如果我决定要租这间公寓,最快什么时候可以搬进来?

Mrs. Jones: You can move in any time you like. As you can see, it's already cleaned up. 你随时可以搬进来。你也看到的,公寓已经打扫干净了。

Mr. Wei : Good. Er, Mrs…? 很好。呃,你是……?

Mrs. Jones: Jones. 琼斯。

Mr. Wei : Mrs. Jones, I like this apartment very much, but I'd like to know my wife's and kids' opinions. I'll come back this evening with them. Will that be convenient? 琼斯太太,我很喜欢这间公寓,不过我想听听我太太和小孩们的看法。我晚上再和他们一起来,不知道方不方便?

Mrs. Jones: That's fine with me. 我没问题。

Mr. Wei : This is my business card. Thanks very much, Mrs. Jones. We'll see you tonight. 这是我的名片。谢谢你,琼斯太太。晚上见。