第 8 课: A Car Accident车祸

Lucy: It was a red light, William. You should've stopped the car.刚刚是红灯,威廉。你应该停车的。

William: Sorry. I didn't see it.对不起,我没有看到。

Lucy: I told you not to drink so much. Your breath reeks of alcohol. We'll get into trouble if we run into a policeman....Slow down a bit.早告诉过你别喝那么多。现在你满口的酒臭。万一碰到警察,我们就麻烦了。……开慢一点。

William: I'm only going 60 mph. (They see a dog right in the middle of the road.)才时速六十英里而已。(他们看到路中央有一只狗)。

Lucy: Look out!..(William swerves to avoid the dog and almost hits a car coming the opposite way. That car happens to be a police car.)....Oh, no!小心!……(威廉改变车向,把车子驶向另一边,结果差点儿懂上迎面而来的车子,(那辆车不巧正是一部警车。)…… 噢,这下糟了。

William: That damn stray dog!那只该死的野狗!

Policeman: OK, buddy, your driving license.好啦,老兄,你的驾照。

William: Here!....Listen to me, officer, it wasn't my fault. It was that dog. 在这儿!……听我说,警察先生,不是我的错。是那只狗。

Policeman: What dog? I didn't see any dogs.什么狗?我没看到有狗。

Lucy: It's true, officer. There was a dog in our lane. If it wasn't for the dog, we wouldn't have almost hit you.是真的,警察先生。刚刚我们的车道上有一只狗,要不是那只狗,我们也不会差点撞上你呀。

Policeman: You could have braked, couldn't you? How fast were you going?你可以刹车不是吗?你刚刚的时速是多少?

William: Well it was about 50 mph or less. I was driving very slow.大概五十里左右,或者更低些。我开得很慢。

Policeman: 50 mph? Don't you know the speed limit downtown is 40 mph?.... All right. That'll be one hundred dollars. 时速五十? 你不知道在市区开车的速限是每小时四十里吗?……好啦。一百块钱。

William: Wait a second! What do you mean "one hundred dollars''?等一下!你说『一百块钱』是什么意思?

Policeman: The fine. It's one hundred dollars. Speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol. You can't fool me with that smell of alcohol in your breath.罚款。一百元。超速和酒后驾驶。满身的酒味,你骗不了我的。