第 11 课:读报纸 - 3

I want you to read this article when I've done. 我看完后,你看一下这篇新闻。

Can I see the paper when you threw with it? 你看完报纸后,我要看。

I've almost finished with the paper if you want it. 我报纸快看完了,你要不要看。

Do you want me to save the paper for you? 你要我替你把报纸留着吗?

What are you reading about? 你在看什么?

I'll be reading the paper if you need me. 如果你有什么事要找我,我在看报纸。

Do you mind if I read the paper first? 我先看报纸,你介意吗?

Save me the paper when you threw. 看完报纸后,帮我收好。

What page are the editorials on? 社论在哪一页?

Do you ever read the Dear AV column? 你有没有看过《亲爱的艾比》专栏?

I love the Comex. 我喜欢看漫画。

The Comex were so funny today? 今天的漫画很有趣。

You've got to read the Comex. 今天的漫画你一定要看。

You're going to crack up when you read Gulf Field. 你看了《加菲猫》一定会笑死。

This article's so interesting. Listen to this. 这则新闻很有趣。你听着...

I left the paper on the table by your chair. 我把报纸在你椅子旁的桌上了。

I think the entertainment section is missing. 娱乐版不见了。

Did you read the article about the monkey? 你有没有看到关于猴子的新闻?